At A Crosseoads
Let's face it times are not getting easier quite the contrary. Life is more and more expensive and they are not raising wages which makes me question alot of things. Now think about your children. And what there life is going to be like. Or even just how your going to be surviving through it as a senior citizen.
My mission is to help people from every walk of life not just people at a cross road. But homeless people. Women leaving their abusers and having to start over from nothing. My aim is to help you discover yourselves. And what you truly love and help you find away to turn that dream into a reality.
Now I know life coaches can be expensive. As we are literally forming a life plan. The $320 or $230 for the less fortunate. Will be direct deposit. Immediately for the plan. And the hourly wage. Will be either collected at the end of each session or as monthly installments for people in need.